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Logan James Wilkieson

Today Mummy told me I have a Blog. Good! More toys to be washed! All my clothes and toys have to be washed before I can play with them. I push things out of my cot and then they come back clean.
Mummy said Uncle Phil had put my blog on a machine which people can read. Will it come back clean? Mummy told me Auntie Katie will put my words in to this machine, I hope they don't shrink!
Today I am in a big building with lots of nice people who keep talking and touching me. Mummy says these are nurses, I think I love my nurses. If I smile they come and talk to me, wait until mummy has shown me to blow kisses.
When I was born Mummy and Daddy forgot to give me a gene? This would have stopped me from getting a sore bum, mouth and eyes (Auntie Katie will tell you about this ( Auntie Katie - Logan has inherited a faulty gene, which prevents his own immmune system developing. Until now his body has been able to fight off diseases and germs as it had some of his mum's immune system in him from when he was born. Now this has gone and anything he get such as nappy rash, thrush in his mouth and conjunctivitus, which are all common in babies he cannot fight off) I don't want Gene in this cot with me, Mummy and Daddy look after me good. My Mouth and bum was sore, glad mummy remembered the right cream to put on
I did not like my milk and started to get hungry, Mummy and Daddy and me had to go and see a man who pushed a sharp bit in me and got some red stuff out. Mummy was told we had to go in a van with two men on a drive through the green fields to this building we are in with my lovely nurses.
Mummy and Daddy have told me I have to stay under my machine all the time (Auntie Katie will explain ( Auntie Katie - As Logan has no immune system, therefore no way of fighting off germs he is being kept in a sterile room. He has what looks like a big extractor fan over his area, this ensures the air he is in is sterile.))Mummy has said lots of people will visit me but they will have to stay behind the gate, its like being in a zoo (I don't know what a zoo is, but I have animals in my cot) Mummy said these people might have germs on them I hope these are toys.
Mummy, Daddy and Grandad are the only ones to come into my space, they MUST have clean clothes on and wash before touching me. They wear silly hats and aprons on which I try to get off.
I had to go in a van and go to sleep, when I woke up they had put some toys on my chest. These toys are for putting medicine in me and for taking red stuff out. My lovely nurses come and play with these, mummy and me counted three tubes.
Mummy and Daddy have told me I will lose my hair. This will stop Mummy using the machine that eats Daddys hair on me. Chemo will make me grumpy and poorly but mummy and daddy will be there, and my lovely nurses, after this I will get some more bone marrow (Auntie Katie will tell you, she is getting good at this( Auntie Katie - Logan is currently recieving steroids and antibiotics to get rid of any outstanding infections he has in his body. Once he is clear of infections he will begin a eight day course of Chemotheraphy this will destroy any existing bone marrow he has. He will then recieve a Bone Marrow transplant.))
I will be here for 4 to 5 months and miss my christmas but Mummy and Daddy have said that my birthday will be twice as good with two lots of toys and a party to see all my friends again. I will tell Auntie Katie what is happening to me so she can update my blog?
I hope you will all leave messages for my Mummy and Daddy to read to me.
Hugs and Kisses

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday 21st November
Very, very tired, just want to sleep. Eating some of my food but it takes all my bounce! Grandad here again. Had lots and lots of cuddles from Mummy and Grandad.
LoganNo2 went somewhere to sleepy to listen, but lots of people around!

Tuesday 20th November
Feeling tired today. No energy to stand up and bounce. Grandad has come to help Mummy. Had nice cuddles with him to make me feel better. He played with my toys with me, I don't get as tired when Grandad helps me play. He does good playing! Tried getting pudding only again at tea time, but doesn't work with Grandad, so had to eat dinner first then pudding!
Getting more red stuff out of a bag tomorrow! The nurses say this will give me my bounce back!

Monday 19th November
Day of medicine today! Was sick quite a few times. Barney (Grandad's dog) was sick too. He had a bone from the butcher. Bone Marrow must make sickness! Doesn't bother me tho it just comes and I carry on playing while Mummy cleans it up. Tried not eating my roast chicken dinner to see what Mummy did: shook my head and told her NO! She still gave me pudding!!! Pudding's nicer than dinner! She said this is only because I am in hospital, when I'm home no pudding if I don't eat my dinner first. Telling LoganNo2 all my tricks to try when he is bigger!
Still had to have some milk poured in but I can help now, I twist the tube. Mummy can do my milk now, the nurses have shown her.
I have learned to press the button for music on my key toys. Did it for a whole hour! LoganNo2 kept saying 'Again, again'

Sunday 18th November
Started eating properly again now. I have four teeth!! Be able to bite soon! Because I'm having food my tummy is full and I didn't drink enough milk so the nurses put a tube up my nose and poured my milk into me like they do with LoganNo2. I wasn't scared because LoganNo2 has it like that and he says it is OK! Was a good boy and didn't play with my tube!

Saturday 17th November
I'm a star, SUPER STAR! Hope you all saw me last night. Can't write so autographs will have to be hand prints (do them when I'm painting)
On again this morning with Mummy. We might get more TV offers now! I want to be on 'Strictly'. I can do the bouncy dances, not up to moving around the floor yet, but wait till I can walk!
Expect Mummy will do the Pantene hair adverts!
If you want to see me Auntie Katie is going to put them on my links! I'm with the Spice Girls (they're some stick thin women who used to sing, and one of them is married to a footballer!), Take That and our BUBBLE FOUNDATION story about Phil and Adam.